SQL Query to compute a report which shows the year when most of the Action movies produces, and number of such movies and their average rating
SQL query to compute the average time and count number of movies for each genre. Return genre title, average time and number of movies for each genre.
SQL query to find the movies released in last 2 years. Sort the result-set in descending order by date of release. Return movie title, release year, duration, and name
SQL query to find the Mystery Movies rated greater than 5. Return the title, year, and rating.
SQL query to find the directors with number of genres movies. Group the result set on director name and generic title. Sort the result-set in ascending order by director first name and last name. Return director name and number of genres movies.
SQL query to find the Directors who have directed in any movie between 2005 and 2010 (Begin and end values are included). Return director name, movie title and release year.
SQL query to find who directed a movie that casted a role as ‘TomCruise’. Return director name, movie title and movie year.
SQL Query to find Block Buster film of last 15 years
SQL Query to find movie title and release year using IN operator
SQL Query to find total capital generated by movies in each year